→ → WHAT’S GOING ON? ← ←
During the COVID-19 pandemic, tenants and small business across New York City have been struggling with little help from the federal of state government. With primary elections four weeks away, we don’t need to settle for inaction in Albany: on June 23rd we have the chance to elect advocates for a better New York.
Tonight, we’re hosting four Democratic Socialist of America-backed candidates for State Assembly and State Senate, who will be discussing their vision for how our state can help small businesses and tenants.
The DSA-backed candidates include union nurse and assembly candidate Phara Souffrant Forrest (AD-57), public school teacher and state senate candidate Jabari Brispot (SD-25), eviction lawyer and state assembly candidate Zohran Mamdani (AD-36), and immigrant rights activist and assembly candidate Marcela Mitaynes (AD-51).
→ Phara Souffrant Forrest (AD-57: Prospect Heights, Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, parts of Crown Heights & Bedford-Stuy)
→ Jabari Brisport (SD-25: Fort Greene, Boerum Hill, Red Hook, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Sunset Park, Gowanus, and Park Slope)
→ Zohran Mamdani (AD-36: Astoria / Ditmars-Steinway / Astoria Heights)
→ Marcela Mitaynes (AD-51: Sunset Park, Red Hook and parts of South Slope, Bay Ridge and Borough Park)
June 23 is election day. Request your absentee ballot here: https://nycabsentee.com/
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